Monday, December 23, 2019

Wilfred Owen Essay - 1001 Words

Wilfred Owen’s poetry effectively conveys his perspectives on human conflict through his experiences during The Great War. Poems such as ‘Futility’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ portray these perceptions through the use of poetic techniques, emphasising such conflicts involving himself, other people and nature. These themes are examined in extreme detail, attempting to shape meaning in relation to Owen’s first-hand encounters whilst fighting on the battlefield. Wilfred Owen experiences many inner conflicts during his time in the war. The harsh notions of war constantly challenge his personal morals and beliefs. ‘Futility’ explores Owen’s emotions involving the pointlessness of human sacrifice. In the poem, Owen and his comrades lay a dying†¦show more content†¦Owen’s inner beliefs and perspectives tell himself to believe that the sun will rejuvenate the young soldier, despite the futility of the miracle occurring. This is a great example of Owen’s perspectives on human conflict. Owen continues the second stanza with thoughts questioning the sun’s creation of life in the first place: ‘Think how it wakes the seeds, - Woke once the clays of a cold star’. The repetition of ‘W’ symbolises the confusion of Owen and leaves him questioning why the sun has the potential to create life, but is unable to resurrect the fallen. Throughout the poem of ‘Futility’, Owe n contrasts his opinions on the sun. He moves from acknowledging his affection to the ‘kind old sun’ in the first stanza, to finding the sun’s beams ‘fatuous’ and meaningless in the second. These techniques Owen uses convey his perspectives on human conflict extremely well. ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ is another of Wilfred Owen’s poems that conveys inner human conflict, in terms of past doings in World War I. The poem was written in 1917 at Craiglockhart (Owen’s first battle after his rehabilitation due to ‘shellshock’). It portrays an inner change in his approach to war and it’s gruesome environment: Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, This opening stanza to ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ is a direct reference toShow MoreRelatedEssay about Wilfred Owen Speech891 Words   |  4 Pages both written by Wilfred Owen. I would choose these two poems to be in an anthology because I found the poems to be very dramatic and extremely detailed. Owen intends to shock us by demonstrating what a soldier might expect in a situation between life and death. He is not afraid to show his own feelings. Wilfred Owen is an anti-war poet and expresses his ideas and feelings through various themes and poetic devices which I will be discussing throughout this speech. Wilfred Owens’ themes portray hisRead MoreWilfred Owen Essay836 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish Essay Wilfred Owen, through his poems, shows the harsh reality of human conflict and contrasts the portrayal of these conflicts with the reality. Owen purpose is to challenges our thoughts and perspectives on war to show its true effects and stop the glorification that it receives in society. This can be seen in his poem Dulce et Decorum Est as he causing us to question whether it really is sweet and decorous to die for ones country by showing the reality of war through his personal experiencesRead More Disabled By Wilfred Owen Essay543 Words   |  3 PagesDisabled By Wilfred Owen In my essay,Disabled by Wilfred Owen. I am going to describe how successfully he uses poetic techniques to present the true effects of war in his poem. The main technique used in the poem is contrast, as well as other techniques. Which makes the fate of the young man more pitiful. The use of irony, word choice, and powerful images, all create the sense of atmosphere in each stanza. The contrast of mood and tone is used in the first and second stanza, which createsRead MoreEssay on Comparing The Soldier and Dulce et Decorum Est644 Words   |  3 PagesRupert Brooke and Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen were both written during world war one. War and death are the themes of both poems but they are written from different perspectives. Brooke seems to base his poem on myth because overall he says that it is good to die for your country while fighting at war is terrible and that it is every soldier for himself and not for your country. There are many reasons why Brooke and Owen have different attitudes to war. For exampleRead More The Healing Power of Poetry Essay1663 Words   |  7 Pagesmeaning that literature is here to serve and help. During this time, researchers continually investigated it in the attempt to get something definitively published. In 1969, Dr. Leedy published the first scholarly book, Poetry Therapy, which contained essays by numerous early pioneers of the field. Not much later, the Poetry Therapy Institute opened on the west coast, founded by Arthur Lerner, with a Ph.D from Los Angeles, and who in 1976 wrote Poetry in the Therapeutic Experience. Finally, in 1980Read MoreWilfred Owen Essay922 Words   |  4 PagesWilfred Owen successfully creates the truthful and terrifying image of war within his poems. The loss, sacrifice, urgency and pity of war are shown within the themes of his poetry and the use of strong figurative language; sensory imagery and tone contribute to the reader. This enables the reader to appreciate Owen’s comments about the hopeless ness of war and the sacrifice the men around him went through within his poems, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est.’ and ‘Futility’. ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ reveals theRead MoreEssay on Wilfred Owen3883 Words   |  16 Pages Wilfred Owen Read and Compare and Contrast the Following Poems by Wilfred Owen: [It Was a Navy Boy], Anthem for Doomed Youth and Dulce et Decorum Est. Wilfred Owen was a poet who was widely regarded as one of the best poets of the World War one period. Wilfred Owen was born on the 18th of March 1893, at Plas Wilmot, Oswestry, on the English Welsh border; he was the son of Tom and Susan Owen. During the winter of 1897-8 Tom Owen, Wilfred’s father was reappointed to Birkenhead, and withRead More Poetic Techniques of Wilfred Owen Essay1511 Words   |  7 PagesWilfred Owen can be considered as one of the finest war poets of all times. His war poems, a collection of works composed between January 1917, when he was first sent to the Western Front, and November 1918, when he was killed in action, use a variety of poetic techniques to allow the reader to empathise with his world, situation, emotions and thoughts. The sonnet form, para-rhymes, ironic titles, voice, and various imagery used by Owen grasp the prominent central idea of the complete futility ofRead More Love Presented in Poems by Wilfred Owen Essay2489 Words   |  10 PagesLove Presented in Poems by Wilfred Owen Explore how the theme of love is presented in Birdsong and a selection of poems by Wilfred Owen. Loving attitudes, though perhaps not as prominent as themes such as violence and pride, are intimately observed and explored in Sebastian Faulks Birdsong and in many of Wilfred Owens War poems. Each aspect of love, as seen through the eyes of this First World War soldier and Faulks characters, is as interesting as it is diverse, allowing an imperviousRead MoreWilfred Owen Poem Analysis Essay1526 Words   |  7 PagesWilfred Owen’s poetry is shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences. In at least 2 poems set for study, explore Owen’s portrayal of suffering and pity. One is to think of war as one of the most honorable and noble services that a man can attend to for his country, it is seen as one of the most heroic ways to die for the best cause. The idea of this is stripped down and made a complete mockery of throughout both of Wilfred Owen’s poems â€Å"Dulce Et Decorum Est† and â€Å"Anthem for Doomed

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Explain how act 1 scene 1 prepares the audience for the actions that follow Free Essays

Act 1 scene 1 main purpose is to introduce the themes in the play, preparing the reader for the conflict between the contrasting outlooks of the characters. In the first scene we see the friendship groups between the characters also showing the potential ‘lovers’ from this initial description, Finding out who is friends with who can also give us explanations to who is going to defend each other and who may want to maliciously trick each other. Shakespeare also shows opposing traits between many characters, even between family members. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain how act 1 scene 1 prepares the audience for the actions that follow or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hero is polite, quiet, respectful, and gentle, whereas Beatrice is feisty, cynical, witty, and sharp. Similarly there is a contrast between Don John who has evil and deceptive intentions, and his opposite, Don Pedro, who is a loyal and noble person. Don John ‘the bastard’ and his vile comrades contrast with Don Pedro the noble prince and his heroic friends. The difference in the brothers’ standing in society is mirrored in their personalities. In the first scene, we see an apparent reconciliation between Don John and Don Pedro but the jealous and malicious instincts of Don John can not hide themselves for too long â€Å"I can not hide what I am†, he confesses â€Å"I am a plain dealing villain†. It is ironic how frank Don John is about his character, as many of the protagonists deceive each other, and in Beatrice and Benedict’s case they trick even themselves into believing â€Å"I love none†. Deception is a recurrent theme, not only this play but also many of Shakespeare’s plays. You can read also Audience Adaptation Paper Hero is a conventional, â€Å"modest young lady†, different in both appearance and personality to her cousin Beatrice. Hero conforms to the patriarchal society of Messina, obeying her father unquestioningly, and behaving demurely, like a woman ‘should’. Beatrice is older than Hero, yet unlike her cousin she is unwilling to conform. Feisty and assertive, Beatrice engages in intelligent wordplay, a ‘merry war’ with her male superior, Benedick, referring to him as â€Å"signor mountanto† a fencing term symbolic of the battle of words and wills the two share. Though their insults are biting, their ability to maintain such clever, interconnected sparring seems to illustrate the existence of a strong bond between them. The audience is prepared for the great contrasts in behaviour between the two women from the start of the play, and begins to expect a resolution involving the ‘taming’ of Beatrice. We can also assume by Benedick`s descrip tion of Beatrice that he does in fact find her more attractive then we first thought and he ‘accidently’ reveals he is attracted to Beatrice in comparison to that of Hero, she â€Å"exceeds in beauty†. This is also Benedick showing rudely how â€Å"I do not like (Hero)†. Beatrice and Benedick are perhaps Shakespeare’s most famously witty characters; neither lets the other say anything without countering it with a pun or criticism. First impressions of Benedick are of loyalty to his friends, but also of arrogance and he sounds on the outset like a misogynist, proclaiming â€Å"I am loved of all ladies† but â€Å"truly I love none†. As the scene progresses we get small inclinations that maybe he does love someone, â€Å"her cousin exceed her as much in beauty†, showing he finds Beatrice attractive. He engages with Beatrice in a competition to outwit, outsmart, and out-insult the other. As with many of Shakespeare plays we can presume this ‘merry war’ is hiding their true feelings. From first impressions we see he is constantly performs for the benefit of others, and indulges in witty banter with many to express his feelings. Claudio from the beginning seems deeply attracted to Hero, showing a romantic outlook with â€Å"soft and delicate desires†. Unfortunately, his fickle and suspicious nature makes him quick to believe evil rumours, and he is hasty to despair and take revenge. He appears to love Hero, but the opinion of others changes his mind so we have to question if this relationship is genuine. It is also strange for us to see his love so quickly in the first scene, as he first notices â€Å"the sweetest lady I ever looked upon†. Don Pedro insists on wooing Hero for Claudio himself, whilst masked, rather than allowing Claudio to profess his love to Hero first, â€Å"I will assume thy part in some disguise†: this is the first introduction to the recurrent theme of appearance and reality. How to cite Explain how act 1 scene 1 prepares the audience for the actions that follow, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ma Earth free essay sample

Ans1. Heather before being a marketing manager she loved the company and its products. And not only because of its products but also because of their values, that they promised to use all natural ingredients and also ensured that they wouldn’t harm the planet. But in reality the story was different. When she was given the responsibility of campaigning one of its product Ore Essentials, she came to know that the story behind growing the product is quite different. Ma Earth Skin Care was using a different strategy to maintain its image in the market. The company was paying the tribes neither for growing the product there nor for purchasing. They were actually buying its product at a cheap rate from a mainstream supplier. But the company wants to convey its message to the customers that the product is very precious and rare, and they get it only from the tribal area. We will write a custom essay sample on Ma Earth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So this was the ethical issue Heather was facing. She wasn’t ready to accept the way the company was marketing its product. If Heather shows its customers how the company is getting its resources for the Ore Essentials i.e. if she tells them that though the company says that it gets its resources from the tribes but in reality it doesn’t, this would cross a line into unethical territory. Whereas if Heather supports the company i.e. if she shows that the company gets its resources from the tribes rather than showing the actual truth, it can be considered ethical. Ans2. From the customer point of view, the company was fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by paying the tribes for their wellbeing in return for their effort to grow the plants and maintaining them. The company provided the tribal people a school, a health clinic as well as food and clothing. This way the company is effective in practicing its social responsibility. But even though the company is supporting the tribal people, they are cheating its customers by showing false claims. This way the company is not fulfilling its social responsibility.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Learning Object Repositories Evaluation of LORs

Learning Object Repositories are becoming more widespread and more popular among researchers and educators across the globe. Ochoa and Duval (2009) noted that LORs grew linearly and the popularity of such resources was growing steadily irrespective of the number of objects or quality of the objects submitted.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning Object Repositories: Evaluation of LORs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, it is possible to note that LORs are seen as useful tools to improve and develop. People long to create communities where researchers and educators could share information. I believe that LORs make up almost an ideal community. I think LORs represent this idea community where a lot of valuable information is stored. People from different countries and having different backgrounds manage to share information. Admittedly, this fosters research and development of teaching strat egies. I have found a lot of particular ideas and resources to make my teaching more effective. There were moments when I felt stuck as I could not find ways to present material in a more effective way. I came across a variety of ideas in LORS. I suppose lots of researchers and educators have had similar moments when they did not know an answer to a question. Many answers are available at LORs now. Koppi, Bogle and Bogle (2005) pointed out that there were three aspects of LOR. According to Koppi, Bogle and Bogle (2005, p. 83) the third aspect, i.e. â€Å"the collaborative space† is the most valuable for researchers and educators from all over the world. I agree with this assumption and I think availability of different data can foster research in a variety of spheres. Nonetheless, it is necessary to note that LORs are still almost ideal as there are certain factors that prevent these resources from becoming truly ideal communities. Some argue that ideas of ‘old’ teachers make people doubt in effectiveness of LORs.Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the major problem is still associated with technology as many people have no access to LORs due to scarce financial support of educational and research spheres (Richards, McGreal, Hatala Friesen, 2002). I am a teacher in the UAE and I have access to the Internet and a variety of resources. However, some LORs are inaccessible for me as sometimes membership requires certain payments. I understand that many organizations have resources to be members of some LORs. At the same time, in the UAE many organizations do not have an opportunity to be members of such communities. Moreover, many teachers in this country do not have access to the Internet. Of course, this is quite a considerable limitation to the use of LORs as many really brilliant ideas are still outside the global communitie s of researchers and educators. Therefore, I’d like to note that LORs can become a really great invention of humanity as these global communities can rocket research, to a great extent. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that there is still much to be done. Governments should pay attention to the development of LORs. Development of the global communities must be one of the priorities of officials. Reference List Koppi, T., Bogle, L. Bogle, M. (2005). Learning objects, repositories, sharing and reusability. Open Learning, 20(1), 83-91. Ochoa, X. Duval, E. (2009). Quantitative analysis of learning object repositories. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2(3), 226-238.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning Object Repositories: Evaluation of LORs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Richards, G., McGreal, R., Hatala, M. Friesen, N. (2002). The evolution of learning object repos itory technologies: Portals for on-line objects for learning. Journal of Distance Education, 17(3), 67-79. This critical writing on Learning Object Repositories: Evaluation of LORs was written and submitted by user Gauge Burks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Put Adjectives in Their Place

Put Adjectives in Their Place Put Adjectives in Their Place Put Adjectives in Their Place By Mark Nichol Where does an adjective go? It can appear virtually anywhere in a sentence, but the particular placement depends on its particular function. The most common placement of an adjective a word (or a phrase, known as a phrasal adjective or an adjectival phrase) that modifies a noun is immediately before that noun: â€Å"I ordered a chocolate milk shake. It was my first one. It was the most delicious thing I’ve had in my life.† However, the word order is sometimes reversed: â€Å"I left none untasted.† This reversal is typical of more lyrical content (â€Å"She left things unsaid†) but is appropriate for more functional text as well. (Thanks to the French influence on English, some standing phrases include what are called postpositive adjectives. Examples of these expressions are â€Å"body politic† and â€Å"heir apparent.†) When the adjective describes a noun referred to as being a possession, it is inserted between the possessive noun and the noun identifying the possession: â€Å"He stole my friend’s strawberry milk shake! The culprit’s milk shake mustache gives him away.† An adjective, as part of the predicate (the part of a sentence describing an action) can be the last word or phrase in a sentence: â€Å"He was sneaky. However, his guilt is obvious.† It can also, as a participial adjective, begin a sentence: â€Å"Pink and frothy, it’s as obvious as (and just below) the nose on his face.† But writers must take care in matching the object of the sentence to the participial adjective: â€Å"Pink and frothy, I noticed it right away† is an example of this error, known as a dangling participle, so called because the participial adjective’s connection to the subject is tenuous. The subject of a sentence referring to the milk shake mustache should refer to that, not to the person noticing it: â€Å"Pink and frothy, the evidence was obvious right away.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithPeace of Mind and A Piece of One's MindWriting a Thank You Note

Friday, November 22, 2019

Albert Jacka Soldier Man

Albert Jacka was born on the 10th of January 1893 in a small dairy farm in Winchelsea, Victoria. On the 17th of the first 1932, seven days after his 39th birthday, he died of chronic nephritis. He was the fourth child of 7 of Nathaniel Jacka and Mary Elizabeth Kettle. He spent most of his life in Wedderburn after his parents decided to move the family there in 1898 when Bertie was the age of 5. After completing elementary school, he found work as a labourer with his father, and later for the Victorian State Forests Department. On 18/8/14, Bert enlisted into the Aussie Imperial Force, assigned 14 Battalion, 4th Brigade, 1st Division and began training at Broadmeadow camp. Jackas battalion then left for further two months of training in Egypt. After that, his battalion then joined the fight in Gallipoli, arriving on Anzac Cove through the Dardanelles, 26/4/15. A month later on the 19th, the Turkish began an assault along almost the whole Anzac line, and captured a small twelve yard section of the trench, leaving one end being guarded by Jacka. For longer than several minutes, he shot warning shots into he trench until, finally reinforcements had arrived. Everybody but Jacka were hit so he leapt back into the communication trench. He had then thought up a new plan, two bombs would be thrown at the Turks, as Bert would walk around and flank them from behind. He shot five and bayoneted two as the others retreated. l managed to get the begars, Sir, he was quoted to have said to the first officer to arrive. For doing this act of courage, he was awarded with a Victorian Cross, which appeared in a section of the London Gazette. War Office, 24th July, 191 5 His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers and Non-commissioned Officers:No. 65 Lance-corporal Albert Jacka, 14th Battalion, Australian Imperial Forces. For most conspicuous bravery on the night of the 19th-20th May, 191 5 at Courtneys Post, Gallipoli Peninsula. Lance-corporal Jacka, while holding a portion of our trench with four other men, was heavily attacked. When all except himself were killed or wounded, the trench was rushed and occupied by seven Turks. Lance-corporal Jacka at once most gallantly ttacked them single-handed, and killed the whole party, five by rifle fire and two with the bayonet. Albert was immediately known as a national hero. He began to be used on recruiting posters John Wren, gave him E500 and a golden watch, after promising the first Victorian Cross winner a reward of so. After the 28th of 8th he began to skyrocket from rank to rank, beginning with Corporal, then on the 12/9, Sergeant, then Company Sergeant Major on 14/11, and finally Second Lieutenant on the 29/4/16 after completing officer training. Early in June, the 14th Battalion were then sent to France. On the 7th of August, Berts platoon then moved into the line close to Pozi ©res, a small French village. One night after dawn, Just as Jacka had completed his surveying of the area, two German soldiers had overrun a part of line. They came to the entrance of Jackas dugout, rolling a bomb down the doorway, killing two men. Jacka survived, rushing up the steps, tiring as ne moved. He got up and came upon German soldiers rounding up about forty Aussies as prisoners. He spoke out to his platoon and charged against the enemy. Men threw away their rifles and began to participate n wild hand to hand combat, while the prisoners turned on their enslavers. On that night, they took capture of fifty Germans and retook back the line. Everyone was severely wounded, Jacka received serious neck and shoulder injures and was sent away to London hospital. On the 8th of the 8th, London newspapers sent out false reports claiming that Bert was killed in action. After this, Albert was promoted to captain and was authorised as the 14 Battalions Intelligence officer on the 15th March. Albert got back into the fght and led a night scouting party on the 8th of April, to inspect the enemys defences. He infiltrated the wire at two places, reported back, then he went out again to watch the laying of the guide tapes for the infantry. As the Job was almost done, two German soldiers creeped up, Jacka, realising that theyd see the tapes, he knew that they must be captured. He pulled out his pistol, misfired, so he rushed on towards them and captured them by hand. His smart, quick thinking, had saved the Anzac soldiers from discovery and possibly bombardment and had earnt himself a bar to his military cross. The newly captained Jacka, on the 8th July, was wounded by a snipers bullet near Ploegsteert Wood. Two months later on the 26th, he was back on his feet and back on the front, he led the 14th battalion against German Pillboxes(small underground outposts) at Polygon Wood. In March 1918, Jacka unknowingly faced his final fght, after being cruelly gassed at Villers-Bretonneux. A few months later, he boarded the Euripides, for Australia. A large crowd, including the Governor General, greeted him on his arrival in Melbourne. A few months after being discharged, R. O. Roxburgh, E. J. L. Edmonds and himself, created an electrical goods importing and exporting business. The following year on the 17th January, Jacka was hitched to Frances Veronica Carey, a typist at his Electrical Goods business. A few moths later, the moved to St Kilda and adopted a daughter. Eight years later, he was elected to the St Kilda Council and a year later elected as mayor. On the 18th of December 1931, he mysteriously fell ill during a council meeting and on January 17th, a year later, he died of chronic nephritis. Over 60,000 people paraded by his coffin as it lay in Anzac house. He was buried with complete military honor in the Presbyterian section of the cemetery.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Diagnosing Industrial Service of American, Inc Essay

Diagnosing Industrial Service of American, Inc - Essay Example The paper shall focus on Industrial service of American Inc. as our reference organization. The ultimate aim of this paper is to diagnose and determine whether the Industrial service of American inc. is performing according to the expectations. The paper shall consider the input and output organization. From the findings on how the inputs are organized, it would be easier to tell whether the overall performance of the company is high, medium, or low. The first section shall describe the kind of activities taking place in this company. Industrial Service of America, inc. is a company dealing with the recycling of the stainless steel, and non-ferrous products. The company also has a role of providing various services to the customers. However, according to the market analysis, the company is primarily focuses its attention towards recycling business (McLuhan, 2005). The kind of activities taking place in the company involves collecting, purchasing, and selling different recyclable meta llic equipments. The company has two categories of activities. The first category involves buying, processing and sale of stainless steel related equipments including the high-temperature alloys. The second category deals with the non-ferrous scraps such as copper, aluminum, and brass. As far as waste service segment is concerned, the company leases and sells service waste and recycling equipments (Nadler & Tushman, 1980). Inputs In order to diagnose the organization situation of the Industrial Service of American, inc. there is a need to review how the company organizes and integrates its inputs. The main inputs used in the company include the raw materials, the human resource, the capital and the management skills and knowledge employed. The main raw materials used by the company include the land, the scrap metals. As far as the scrap metal is concerned, the company has reliable sources of scrap metal. There are two main sources of these raw materials (Jones & Jennifer, 2006). The first source is the industrial and commercial non-ferrous scrap metal providers. This is where the company gets materials such as waste aluminum, copper, stainless steel, nickel-bering metals, brass, and others. The second main source of the raw materials is the peddlers who collect the material from variety of sources and deliver to the company. The company has inventory system that is used to monitor the quantities of the ferrous and non-ferrous raw materials that include the stainless steel, and the scrap. The inventory system is designed in a manner that the cost use to purchase the raw materials is relatively lower than the anticipated selling price (Jones & Jennifer, 2006). In this vein, if the company is anticipating for a future decline in the selling price of the scrap metal and the finished products, then it would make any adjustment it feels necessary in order to reduce the value of the inventory so tat it is in line with the anticipated value. The raw materials handled by the company are classified into two. The first category involves those that are in saleable condition at the time of acquisition. This means that little or no transformation would be imposed on these kinds of raw materials (Rue &Lloyd, 2003). The second category of raw materials constitutes those raw materials that

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exploratory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Exploratory - Essay Example Therefore, the term Cultural Heritage refers to those customs and traditions which a nation has been observing for a period of time. These customs and traditions are valuable to the extent that though modified they are observed for centuries without fail and with pomp and show. Cultural Heritage has a vital role to play in the development of a nation. It is the charm of a particular society. It works as source of inspiration for the whole community. It turns out to be a symbol of pride for the whole nation. It infuses in the whole nation a desire to live, the reason to fight for its cause, the motive to propagate the beauties it has and so on. Cultural Heritage is the reflected beauty of a society and it determines the overall history of a nation’s character (Hoffman 27-31). One of the many Cultural Heritages of mine, Wedding Ceremony occupies the most important position due to the interesting and heart-touching ritual. I termed it ‘most important’ because it had to cast a shadow on the whole of my life. It was the first brick that I based in building my new life. The Ceremony featured a rich composition of Folk-Music, singing songs, dancing traditional dance and the shows of local arts. These festivities date back to the past, hence, speaking of the majesty of our traditions. Wedding was, as is the custom, carried out after a proper procedure in which the groom is chosen for the bride either by the bride herself or her family. The procedure is interesting and appealing to the heart. The groom goes to the bride’s parents’ house and demands for their daughter’s hand. The parents demand ransom in return. Ransom is offered by the groom. In the meanwhile, bride is ritually protected from getting stolen without ransom. In th e course of paying the ransom, the groom offers something costly which may be money or some jewelry for the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Evil being Dr Jekylls alter ego Mr Hyde Essay Example for Free

Evil being Dr Jekylls alter ego Mr Hyde Essay In each of us, two natures are at war- the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them one must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose- What we want most to be we are (Robert Louis Stevenson. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1885) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Born in 1850 into a middle class family in Edinburgh, Robert Louis Stevensons Father expected his son to follow in the family tradition and become an engineer. Stevenson, however had other ideas. He was fascinated by literature, but to please his family he studied law, yet he never practised as a lawyer fulfilling his ambition to become a writer. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a product of Robert Louis Stevenson life. Stevensons childhood was blighted by illness and as a result he spent much of his time at home under the care of his much loved nurse Alison Cunningham who told him stories of ghosts, body snatchers and heaven and hell. Stevenson as a result became fascinated by the idea of good and evil in every person. Stevensons ill health continued for most of his life and as a result he took laudanum and morphine as well as cocaine for chest problems and depression, other factors which may well have affected his life style and his writing. The Stevensons family home was in Edinburgh, but as he grew he travelled more and further, London, Bournemouth, France and the continent. Stevensons choice of London as the setting for Jekyll and Hyde was the result of the extreme social divide he witnessed there, the wealth and poverty been vividly displayed. The wealthy affluent London being safe like the character of Dr Jekyll whilst areas of social deprivation were constantly under treat of crime evil and disease, evil being Dr Jekylls alter ego Mr Hyde This essay will discuss how the Victorians viewed their rapidly expanding cities. It will also explore how Stephenson uses contrasting scenes and weather descriptions to portray good and evil. As a result of the industrial revolution Victorian Britain saw a massive movement of people from the countryside to major cities. Hugh numbers of houses were built to accommodate these people, but towns quickly became over crowded and unhealthy places. Filthy conditions and the spread of disease was rive amongst the poor and working classes. There was high unemployment and no suffrage for the poor, as a result the middle classes felt a revolution was imminent and felt fearful. Robert Louis Stevenson illustrates a divided city in Mr Utterson and Mr Enfields Sunday walk through the streets of London. They travel through a small quite street, it is described using metaphors like a fire in the forest indicating this street is well kept, a sharp contrast to others in the area, the shutters are described as freshly painted, the brasses well-polished and generally clean. This indicates that the inhabitants here are doing well. And yet at the corner of the same street stands a two story building. The building has only a door on the lower storey, the lack of windows indicating this building has something to hide. It is described as baring the features and marks of prolonged neglect. Stevenson uses the words sinister and sordid to describe this building. The fact that a building of such neglect stands on the same street as the affluent properties gives the reader the sense that everything is not going to be as it first appears in this novel. Stevenson uses this description of a affluence street with the uncharacteristic building an unlikely feature of this street, to prepare the reader for the dual character of Dr Jeklyl on the surface a good respectable person, who is able to turn into a alter ego the evil cruel Mr Hyde. Weather descriptions are used by Stevenson in The Carew Murder Case to depict the depraved nature of Mr Hydes character. The maid in the opening paragraph witnesses the murder of Carew. Stevenson uses graphic detail in his description of the weather on this night to create the atmosphere and set the scene. The association between lightness and goodness is clear; the night is described as been cloudless and lit by a full moon. The moon light on Carews face allows the maid to see his face, which she describes as pleasing to watch, a face breathing innocence and old world kindness. His beauty and innocence giving the impression of goodness. This description of Carew makes his fate all the more shocking and sets the scene for the dramatic moment when the maid witnesses the violent murder of Carew by Mr Hyde. Hyde is described by the maid as the complete opposite to Carew, a man she had previously conceived to dislike having an animalistic appearance. Stevenson continues to use weather descriptions to create a sense of foreboding as Mr Utterson travels through the streets of London to the home of Mr Hyde. Though it is nine in the morning the weather is described as foggy like a great chocolate coloured pall lowered over heaven and dark like the back end of morning, the use of fog and darkness implies a veil to hide and conceal evil. He continues saying that the fog is broken up yet for a moment giving a haggard shaft of day light this being only a brief relieve from the mournful reinvasion of darkness, reinforcing the idea of evil doings and the sorrow associated with this. By using weather descriptions in this way the city of London clearly becomes a dramatic backdrop for Hydes crimes. Victorian society was stricictly religious and therefore encouraged people to hide their sins and repress their desires. In this novel Stevenson offered Victorian society not only a psychological horror but a recognision that there is evil inside all of us, not perhaps to the extremes of Jekyll and Hyde but there is a side we hide, a suggestion that we all have a dual personality! Stevenson uses symbolism to create powerful images, for example doors are tradionally powerful and mysterious symbols they represent public and private spheres, things hidden and reveales. Stevenson refers to doors five times in the opening chapter of this novel. What is also relevant is that the Victorians had a front door /back door rule: the front door represented repectability so only those considered important and of high social status entered though the front door. The back door was used for those considered socially inferior, like servants. Stevenson uses this rule to emphasise Hydess social inferiority as he is not admitted through the front door of Jekylls home. What is significant here is that although the reader knows Jekyll and Hydeare one and the same, when Jekyll becomes the depraved Hyde he is evil and socially inferior, a lesson in immorility?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Under the Knife :: Example Personal Narratives

Under the Knife It is a truth universally acknowledged that weird things happen at hospitals. From the moment the automatic doors open, you are enveloped in a different world. A world of beeps, beepers, humming radiators, humming nurses, ID badges, IV bags, gift shops, shift stops, PNs, PAs, MDs, and RNs. Simply being in a hospital usually means you are experiencing a crisis of some sort. Naturally, this association makes people wary. However, I have had the unusual experience of being in a hospital without being sick. In May 1995 I began working once a week at Massachusetts General Hospital. I imagined myself passing the scalpel to a doctor performing open heart surgery, or better yet stumbling upon the cure for cancer. It turned out, however, that those under age eighteen are not allowed to work directly with patients or doctors. I joined a lone receptionist, Mrs. Penn, who had the imposing title of "medical and informational technician." My title was "patient discharge personnel." Mrs. Penn had her own computer and possessed vast knowledge of the hospital. I had my own personal wheelchair. Manning the corner of the information desk, my wheelchair and I would be called on to fetch newly discharged patients from their rooms. This discharge experience taught me lessons both comical and sad about hospital life. On one of my first days, I was wheeling out a woman when I noticed an IV needle still pressed in the back of her hand. I returned her to the nurse's station where the needle was removed without comment or apology. Another time, an elderly man approached the information desk and threatened that if I didn't let him see his wife, he would take a grenade out of his pocket and detonate it. I didn't really believe he had a grenade, but who could be sure? When the man repeated his words to Mrs. Penn, she knew exactly what to do. An immediate call for security was sounded. Sad to say, that man was not the first or last unbalanced individual to frequent Mass General while I worked there. Nor would this be the last time I relied on Mrs. Penn. Some months later, a thirty-something man came to the desk asking for his father's room. When I looked up his computer entry, the father's name came up with the code for the morgue deceased.

Monday, November 11, 2019

French Lieutenant’s Woman

The novel begins with voice of Thomas Hardy’s †³The Riddle†³ which is quoted by the author. This quotation is an apt description for The French Lieutenant’s woman which portrays a singular figure, alone against a desolate landscape. The novel portrays Victorian characters living in 1867, but the author, writing in 1967, intervenes with wry, ironic commentary on Victorian conventions. In fact, it is parody of Victorian novel with chatty narrator and narrative juggling. The most striking fact about the novel is the use of different authorial voices. Voice of the narrator has a double vision: The novel starts off with an intrusive omniscient, typically Victorian, voice: â€Å"I exaggerate? Perhaps, but I can be put to the test, for the Cobb has changed very little since the year of which I write; [†¦]† (Fowles, p.10). In chapter 1 we hear an extensive, detailed description of Lyme Bay. The narrator makes it a point to insist that very little has changed in Lyme Regis since the nineteenth century to the present day. The narrator deftly moves between the two centuries and comments on the present day events in the same tone in which he comments on the Victorian period. We hear the voice of narrator as a formal, stiff Victorian tone while narrating the events in the novel yet the content of what he says is contemporary. The illusion of a Victorian novel is soon broken by a narrator, who introduces his modern 20 century point of view. For example, in Chapter 3, he alludes to devices totally unknown to Victorian society and the illusion of the typically Victorian novel is broken. â€Å"[Charles] would probably not have been too surprised had news reached him out of the future of the air plane, the jet engine, television, radar: [†¦]† (Fowles, p.16). In Chapter 13 he finally reveals himself as a modern narrator when he admits to live in the age of Alain Robbe-Grillet and Roland Barthes (Fowles, p. 80). Voices of the novel seem to belong to John Fowles, the author. The narrator not only comments the whole narrative but he also intrudes in order to make comments on the characters. His authorial intrusions are very pointed and sometimes biased. The narrator’s voice plays the role of both participant and observer. The first person voice occurs in different roles. It seems to be an artist, a novelist, a teacher, a historian and a critic who surveying the scene with a modern and ironic eye, constantly reminding the reader this is not a typically Victorian novel. The third person voice, on the other hand, represents all features associated with an omniscient narrator. It misleads the reader and sometimes even ridicules characters: â€Å"He would have made you smile, for he was carefully equipped for his role. He wore stout nailed boots and canvas gaiters that rose to the encase Norfolk breeches of heavy flannel. There was a tight and absurdly long coat to match; a canvas wide awake hat of an indeterminate beige; a massive ash-plant, which he had bought on his way to the Cobb; and a voluminous rucksack, from which you might have shaken out an already heavy array of hammers, wrappings, notebooks, pillboxes, adzes and heaven knows what else.† (Fowles, p. 43) In Chapter 13 the first person narrator suggests to stand out against the third person narrator when he admits not to be able to control the thoughts and movements of his characters. He denies having all the god-like qualities associated with the classical role of a narrator who knows all the moves of his characters beforehand and he gives a definition of his status: â€Å"The novelist is still a god, since he creates [†¦] what has changed is that we are no longer the gods of the Victorian image, omniscient and decreeing; but in the new theological image, with freedom our first principle not authority.† (Fowles, p.82). What the narrator does is to break the illusion of being the authoritative voice by providing the further illusion of not being it, insisting on the fact that the characters are allowed their freedom. The narrator seems to become just another character of the story, and first and third person narration overlaps. This illusion of the narrator being a fictional character finally dissolves when he appears in person: first as a fellow passenger in the train in Chapter 55 and a second time in the last chapter. This technique of hearing different voices in a narration is called heteroglossia. The narrator guides the reader through the novel. In summary, the narrative’s voice works on different levels: firstly there is protagonist, Charles, and his struggle to overcome his Victorian mind, secondly the narrator claims his characters to be free of authorial supervision. In fact, the narrator is only concealing his real authority. For example in Chapter 55 when he flips a coin in order to decide how to end his narrative and at last there is the reader whom the narrator allows to break free from the narrative illusion. Character Analysis: Charles and Sarah The first picture we get of Charles is that he is a Victorian gentleman who is in all respects at the height of his time. He has a similar outside and inside. He is dominated by the social conventions of his time, particularly in his attitude towards women, and the only thing he lacks is mystery. He seems to be a flat character that only has inner struggling. His character is developed gradually through the novel. Actually his first meeting with Sarah, is his first step of development which leads him from complacency to doubt, from the known to the undiscovered, and from safety to danger when he realizes that there is an alternative to the puritan world of Ernestina which is the free and spontaneous world of Sarah. In short, his first meetings with Sarah sharpen his awareness of that existentialist freedom she embodies and throughout the novel he is torn between the conventional Victorian ideas and this proposal of personal freedom. It stretches as far as Chapter 44. Throughout all these chapters Charles is torn in between behaving the normal, Victorian way, rating his short relationship with Sarah as a minor, unimportant incident or accepting the full consequences of not behaving in an appropriate Victorian manner. He is fascinated by the enigma which Sarah represents and wants to solve it but on the other hand he is caught in his Victorian pattern of thought. When he decides to visit Sarah in Exeter we are dealing with his second development. He is prepared to accept the consequences of not behaving like a Victorian in order to fulfill his personal ideas. But he is still caught in this particular pattern of thought; maybe this is best expressed by his intention to marry Sarah. He has yet not fully understood the ideas of existential freedom. Charles enters the third stage of development when he realizes that Sarah has left without leaving any trace for him to follow. It is then when he settles to follow the path he had decided to take, whether he will be able to find her or not. The months he searches for Sarah are the final stage of his development in which he is able to get the taste of freedom he once tried to gain. His meeting with Sarah at the end of the novel is the final test he has to go through. On the other hand, from the very beginning, Sarah seems to be a round character. She has different inside and outside. Sarah acts as a counter to Tina, the model of Victorian womanhood. Sarah does not match with the time she lives in especially in her behavior. But her strangeness should be considered in the light of the Victorian age. Her actions are governed by her refusal to follow tradition and by her quest for freedom. She rejects the subservient role which her society tries to force on her, determined to get what she wants and express her desires freely. Although some conflicts about Sarah resolved when she told her story to Charles but some of them has still remained till the end of the novel. In the two endings, Sarah's need for freedom conflicts with her love for Charles. One ending suggests that Sarah will be able to remain outside the confines of Victorian society while still being able to establish a family with Charles and marriage will exact its own conventions which will be difficult to escape. Another ending focuses on her total freedom but also her estrangement from the man she loves. This conflict never resolved!!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Heroic Criminals Essay

All throughout childhood we are taught that breaking the law is bad and the people who do are criminals and should be punished. Edward Abbey, author of The Monkey Wrench Gang, and Carl Hiaasen, author of Sick Puppy, alter these thoughts. Both novels focus on adventuresome environmentalists who stir up trouble in means of standing up for their beliefs. Both Abbey and Hiaasen construct higher and natural laws over the traditional justice system that gives characters justification for their actions. Ethically we as humans should not side with these rebellious characters, but the theme is so central in the books cover-to-cover that we, as readers, lose sight of morals as the authors manipulate us to become completely invested in these heroic criminals. With sharp uses of characterization and description, Edward Abbey glorifies the art of law breaking and leaves his readers cheering for the heroic criminals. Throughout The Monkey Wrench Gang, the group of four activists set out to destroy bridges, signs, bulldozers and anything else harming the American southwest. From the very beginning, Abbey illustrates a scene full of the workings of the justice system in his prologue. When describing the ceremony to open the bridge he states, â€Å"the bridge stands clear and empty except for†¦a symbolic barrier of red, white and blue ribbon stretched across the bridge from rail to rail† (3). If the sense of patriotism wasn’t evident enough through images of children eating ice cream cones and people drinking Coca-Cola before that, Abbey drapes the bridge in the colors of our nations flag. His portrayal of the project seems to be adored and almost sponsored by America. He uses the writing technique of verisimilitude throughout the prologue to captivate readers and make them anxious to see who disapproves the project. This is a true introduction and welcoming to rebellious characters. As the novel progresses, we become familiar with the gang: Hayduke, Bonnie, Seldom Seen and Doc, as they are driving through billboard signs. Some readers might lose respect for the characters because their actions seem hypocritical and pointless. Their actions are against the law. But then Abbey slowly develops the characters and gives them justification for these criminal actions. He does this with Hayduke criticizing the construction of bridges, â€Å"They can’t do that; it ain’t legal. There’s a law against it. A higher law† (27). The phrase â€Å"higher law† justifies the gang’s destruction because they are taking a stand to save the environment, the beautiful American southwest. As destruction projects get bigger, we find ourselves rooting for these criminals because they are heroes. And we find ourselves captivated in the novel with Abbey’s clever use of an episodic plot. He arranges plot elements into a story and although we aren’t deep into the character’s lives, the focus on episodes drives us forward. As Abbey slowly develops the protagonist characters, he introduces the character, Bishop Love, who we as readers coin as the antagonist. Once again Abbey manipulates our morals as we begin hating the character who could possibly bring down our rebels. Bishop Love exclaims, â€Å"We might get them on the Mann Act come to think of it-crossing the state line for immoral purposes† (296). The fact that the Mann Act was first established to regulate prostitution across state lines cleverly draws us against the bishop’s character and law in general. Abbey’s use of an actual law brings the entire chase back to reality as we still see ourselves siding with the heroic criminals. Abbey actually creates this chase into a war and the heroic criminals become heroic war veterans. As the chase continues, Hayduke once again defines this higher sense of law and justification for war, â€Å"I sat in that rotting jungle every night, playing with my chain, and all I could think about was home. And I don’t mean Tucson†¦I thought about the canyons† (359). This is a very lively twist on the patriotic term war because when we think of war we think of Americans going into another country. Here, Americans are in a war in America against other Americans. And because of this, someone is breaking the law or going against the law. As true as that statement is, we find ourselves naming the criminals as the war heroes through Abbey’s manipulation. Although in the end these heroes are captured and the project seems to be brought to an end, the denouement proves to serve poetic justice. The epilogue consists of Doc, Bonnie and Seldom being almost immediately bailed out of jail, Bishop Love in slow recovery, and the survival of the most prominent environmentalist, Hayduke. Such a fitting ending for our manipulated beliefs. Similarly to Edward Abbey’s manipulation of our morals through characterization and development, Carl Hiaasen uses the same techniques within the theme of criminal heroes. Right off the bat, we meet Twilly who is the definition of activist. We quickly learn that if he doesn’t like something, he takes immediate action. And it’s not with anger that he takes action, but disappointment, â€Å"†¦if I was really pissed, I would’ve done it on a Monday morning, and I would’ve made damn sure my uncle was inside at the time† (19). This is in response to his therapist asking if the reason he blew up a bank was due to the fact that he was angry his uncle made a loan to some â€Å"rotten people† (18). We aren’t really introduced to the proper sense of law as we were in The Monkey Wrench Gang, but such grotesque images of the characters in political positions make us see them as the bad guys and the person who blows up a bank as a hero. More grotesque images develop as we learn about Robert Clapley and his Barbie dolls and Palmer Stoat and his trophies. So even though we want to hate the main characters, we hate who Hiaasen wants us to hate more. With this manipulation technique and Hiaasen’s rapid tonal shifts between parallel characters, we find ourselves not being able to put the novel down. He creates a sense of higher law that gives us a place to go and pretend we’re there with Twilly being a heroic criminal and activist. Hiaasen also does not overstep his boundaries with this sense of higher law as characters are able to resist destruction. In the scene where Twilly and Desie are driving behind a lady in a Lexus who threw her cigarette butt out the window, Twilly wants to put her car up in flames, but he lets off (219). Although we are already on Twilly’s side, the fact that he can resist gives him more respect as a â€Å"criminal. † Once again, in the reader’s eyes, what makes him a hero is how Hiaasen develops the negative characterization of characters like Clapley, Gash and Stoat. In a very grotesque scene between Clapley and Stoat, Stoat explains, â€Å"The important thing is, that nutty kid is finally out of the picture. And, oh yeah, Desie and Boodle are OK, too. Not that I give a shit† (360). Immediately after this is said, â€Å"Clapley finds himself gazing past Stoat, at a dancer performing in a nearby booth†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢if only she was taller’† (360). As illustrated, Clapley and Stoat are both sick people and we want them to be punished and destroyed. We are pulling for Twilly to torture them and win. The novel takes shifts towards a focus on the greed of politics where nature is just a victim and Twilly is standing up for it. In another beautiful example of poetic justice, the epilogue is used as a framing device to bring the novel full circle. In one example, the novel begins with Stoat hunting a rhino and ends with him being impaled by one (429). The ending of our other hated character, Robert Clapley, comes full circle as his most prized possessions, Katya and Tish, become, â€Å"†¦a trademark symbol; this order to include but not expressly be limited to such oral and visual depictions as ‘Goth Barbies’, ‘Undead Barbies’, and ‘Double-Jointed Vampire Barbies’† (445). This is a direct occurrence of what Clapley didn’t want to happen and we find ourselves giggling about the fact. The sense of the novel as a political cartoon truly adds to our enjoyment as readers and superb justification of higher law and love for heroic criminals. In conclusion, both Abbey and Hiaasen create a new definition of criminal through manipulating our morals in their development of characters and justifying it with the sense of a higher law. Adventuresome environmentalists deface and destroy many things, yet we find ourselves as readers cheering for them to do so and get away with it. Ethically we should not side with these rebellious characters, but we truly are completely, 100% invested.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

ghmmmmmmmmmm essays

ghmmmmmmmmmm essays The existence of Irony in A Good Man is Hard to Find Irony is a used in stories to contradict statements or situations to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true. In Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find, the author uses irony as a main function to tell the story. The Grandmother in the story is the main character in which the author uses irony. The title in itself, grandmothers imperativeness to bring her cat and her insistence on not going to Florida, all illustrate the authors use of irony in the story. The title of the story ,A Good man is hard to find is ironic in itself. A good man in society is not seen as a killer or a man in prison. The Misfit is not what society would call a good man . He has escaped from prison and has killed his own father. The grandmother speaks of him being a good man many times. I know youre a good man .. I know you must come from nice people (grandmother 391). At the beginning of the story the grandmother speaks of the misfit a s a criminal whom she would never bring her grandchildren near which contradicts her final opinion. The existence of Irony in A Good Man is Hard to Find Irony is a used in stories to contradict statements or situations to reveal a reality different from what appears to be true. In Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find, the author uses irony as a main function to tell the story. The Grandmother in the story is the main character in which the author uses irony. The title in itself, grandmothers imperativeness to bring her cat and her insistence on not going to Florida, all illustrate the authors use of irony in the story. The title of the story ,A Good man is hard to find is ironic in itself. A good man in society is not seen as a killer or a man in prison. The Misfit is not what society would call a good man . He has escaped from prison an...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Competition in Smartphone Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Competition in Smartphone Markets - Essay Example For example, Samsung manufactures and sell its products, no other company can make Samsung products. This gives the company a chance to be in the monopolistic competition market. Development of monopolistic competitors in markets is driven by the profits that other firms are making in the market. Firms can make high profits normally called super normal profits based on the brands of their products that make the customers to be loyal to them. The following model shows monopolistic firms making super normal profits (Arnold, 2010). Super normal profits made by monopolistic competitors are indicated by the rectangle PXYZ. The super normal profits arise because the firm is making products of quantity OQ where the profit is at a maximum. This is indicated by the intersection of MC and MR where MR=MC. The price of the products is shown by OP and this is dictated by the demand curve AR. The intersection of MR and MC gives an equilibrium price XQ. The equilibrium price is greater than the ave rage cost indicated by YQ. The supernormal profits are indicated by XY that is the difference between XQ and YQ. To get the total super normal profits, XY is multiplied by PX and the result is the area of the shaded region. Clear analysis of the above graph shows that the price charged (P) is above the average cost (Arnold 2011). The above representation when integrated on one of the smartphones firms will attract other firms to the market. This is because it is free to enter into the market and the firms are motivated by the profits which a firm in the market is making because the graph is sloping downward. The entrance of other firms to the market makes changes in the economic model. In this analysis Apple, the Smartphone maker of the iPhone, is used as a monopolistic competitor in... Super normal profits made by monopolistic competitors are indicated by the rectangle PXYZ. The super normal profits arise because the firm is making products of quantity OQ where the profit is at a maximum. This is indicated by the intersection of MC and MR where MR=MC. The price of the products is shown by OP and this is dictated by the demand curve AR. The intersection of MR and MC gives an equilibrium price XQ. The equilibrium price is greater than the average cost indicated by YQ. The supernormal profits are indicated by XY that is the difference between XQ and YQ. To get the total super normal profits, XY is multiplied by PX and the result is the area of the shaded region. Clear analysis of the above graph shows that the price charged (P) is above the average cost (Arnold 2011). The above representation when integrated on one of the smartphones firms will attract other firms to the market. This is because it is free to enter into the market and the firms are motivated by the profits which a firm in the market is making because the graph is sloping downward. The entrance of other firms to the market makes changes in the economic model. In this analysis Apple, the Smartphone maker of the iPhone, is used as a monopolistic competitor in the market. The profit which is made by the company is shown on the graph. The profit is just for a short-run. In the long-run, other competitors enter the market.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

2.Discuss the work of a medieval composer. Examine what is known (and Essay

2.Discuss the work of a medieval composer. Examine what is known (and what is not known) about the specific details of the composers life and what is known a - Essay Example In 1098, a tenth child was born to two wealthy members ÃŽ ¿f the nobility, Hildebert and Mechtilde, in Bockelheim, Germany. This child, a daughter, was given to the Church as a tax, and became Saint Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen, a composer, visionary, healer and author ÃŽ ¿f major theological works. In the 12th century, Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen was one ÃŽ ¿f very few female composers, and also part ÃŽ ¿f a small minority ÃŽ ¿f medieval women who could even read or write. Her visions and instruction from God were initially questioned, and she met difficulty in making many ÃŽ ¿f her visions’ instructions into reality. Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen spent her life constantly defending the validity ÃŽ ¿f her visions, while gaining a form ÃŽ ¿f fame within the western world, which was rare for a woman in that time. Although many ÃŽ ¿f her strictly literary works reinforce many traditional beliefs ÃŽ ¿f the church, her music itself, in its lyrics and actual melodic construction embodies many different, even liberal ideas and images. By studying her life, accomplishments, compositions and other works, it is clear that Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen broke many patriarchal norms within her society, and saw recognition for her work beyond that ÃŽ ¿f any other women ÃŽ ¿f her time. When Hildegard was given to the church at the age ÃŽ ¿f eight, partially because she was the tenth child which was also known as the â€Å"tithe† child for wealthy families, and was usually given to the church. Also, she was sickly in health from a very young age, and also recalls having visions at an early age, mainly a vision ÃŽ ¿f an inexplicably bright light at the age ÃŽ ¿f three. Giving a child to the church as a tax was also a respectable way for noble families to deal with physically or mentally ill children, which is quite possibly how her explanations ÃŽ ¿f her early visions may have sounded to her parents. Likely because ÃŽ ¿f those experiences at such a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Linux distributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Linux distributions - Essay Example This not only takes enormous amount of expenditure as well as valuable human resources. Therefore, most companies opt for outsourcing and take benefit of readymade software packages. Linux based open source software packages as well as proprietary software are available to choose to suit the requirement. Each of them has their own merits and demerits, which should be analytically weighed before making a decision. Free software are either free of cost or their source codes are available in public domain. As far as an enterprise is concerned it has to train their employees as well as to get constant support from the software vendor. A good IT infrastructure always ensures high return over investments made in it. So the large companies do not care much about the cost involved rather consider its flexibility, reliability and a reliable support system. In this project we will be discussing about desktop and server edition of three LINUX based implementations, Red Hat, Ubuntu & Novell and the standard Windows based systems. Conclusively, we will attempt to recommend a certain package on the basis of the outcome of such discussion. While purchasing software for an enterprise operation, the preliminary aim is to assist its employees to automate and enhance the operations of the organisation with least chance for errors. In order to achieve the said goal, imparting adequate training to its employees or to hire trained professionals to apply the system for the optimum benefit of the organisation becomes inevitable. With a view to select appropriate software to suit the requirements, Red Hat, Ubuntu and Novell’s SUSE based OS are being taken into consideration. Indeed the training motivates the employees as well as raises their confidence in using the software to meet the requirements. RedHat: In terms of trained professionals and certified training program, Red hat tops other Linux distributions. RedHat training centers are spread across the globe and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Behavioral risk factors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Behavioral risk factors - Essay Example Academy of Sciences cites some specific behaviors that influence health such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical exercise and food intake, sexual practices, and disease diagnosis. Despite the availability of data on the direct effects of these behaviors on a person’s health and his contraction of potentially chronic diseases, they remain at a staggering level. Primary prevention with early screening and detection, together with an overall change in attitude are important to address illnesses prevention and obviate disease transmission (2001). The importance of community engagement in wholesome activities cannot be stressed enough. In this regard, the companies together with local health personnel should work together in implementing activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Sports activities that initiate larger group participation are ideal and convenient. Information drives through a wider audience employing the mass media will also be vital to update people of the most recent health hazards and various studies. In addition, the different companies should encourage their employees to avail of provided for medical consults at the onset of their health concerns to ensure early

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance Of Communication Skills In Business English Language Essay

Importance Of Communication Skills In Business English Language Essay In the modern corporate world today, effective communication is vital in any type of businesses, because it builds a close interaction among each of the members from all the departments in an organization. It also can determine whether a business success or a business failure of the organization will be. Moreover, it does help the relationships to develop along good lines, and ensure that arguments and disagreements are kept to a minimum. For example, good communication skill is very important in partnership, so that the partners can avoid the problems of misunderstanding and petty quarrels. We can measure the importance of communication skills in business sector when we take a look at the job advertisement. Candidates with good communication skills seemed to be the single most repeated phrase in the job qualification requirement. And, the ability of good communication is also the most basic of job skills. There is almost no exception that employer will come across a job advertisement which does not specify that candidates should have good communication skills. Good management skills are the key to develop a successful and profitable organization. Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. Most of management problems arise such as misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system. Communication is a basic tool for motivation, which can improve morale of the employees in an organization. The major cause of conflict and low morale are often caused by inappropriate or faulty communication among employees or between manager and his subordinates. Good communication helps ensure the efficient operation of all levels of an organization, from lowest to highest, which is from subordinates to employers. A good human relation in the organization with effective communication encourages employees or workers to come out with new ideas or suggestions, and implementing them whenever possible. More than that, it can also minimum the cost of production and remain the low cost. A person who possesses good communication skills is always full of self-confident. Such a person knows how to effectively organize and present ideas to the business organization by using these skills. Effects of poor communication In contrast of good communication skills, poor communication often results in inefficiency in fundamental of management, and so, loss of productivity and, consequently, a loss of profits. Increase efficiency is not the only consequence from good communication. However, since it also creates a sense of unity between workers, resulting in cooperative mind and their feeling that they are working together toward a common goal, and achieving that goal is the way to success in organization. Ignorance and negligence of communication skills can lead to many problems in dealing matters and interact with each other. The examples of the impacts of lack effective communication are misrepresentation, lack of information, low in employees performances, decrease in employees turnover, and many others. Without effective communication skills, an employee may find it very hard or worse, impossible to climb up the corporate ladder. Promotions and remuneration usually come to those who can communicate effectively at all levels, from senior management level to the lowest employee. Hence, a person with bad communication skills will be left behind. Managers inability to clearly express their thoughts, ideas and demands leads to employees inability to perform work well, according to the companys demands. This shows that one of the pitfalls of poor business communication skills by managers. As a result, large and complicated projects are unable to complete by poor communicator. For instance, it can hamper the efficiency of the organization or department through vague emails that need to be clarified and the inefficient preparation of presentations. Furthermore, without the ability to clearly communicate project responsibilities and objectives, the projects to be carried out in the organization will never get off the ground. Due to poor business communication skills, the ability to communicate tasks and to get things done also will be affected badly. Poor communication is an important issue to overcome in the workplace, so it needs time to motivate the employees properly.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Meaning in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay -- Road Not Taken,

â€Å"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler† (Page 756 Stanza 1). This is the beginning of an iambic tetrameter by Robert Frost in which he expresses the thoughts of the speaker as they come to a fork in the road. The speaker faces a dilemma of deciding which path to take. Frost uses a closed form with a rhyme scheme of â€Å"ABAAB.† The speaker reaching the fork in the road is symbolism for a particular decision that he must make in life. The first stanza is setting up the situation in which the speaker must observe both choices and make a decision and stick with it. This poem allows the reader to use their imagination and is also relatable in everyone’s everyday lives. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken,† Robert Frost uses a good rhyme scheme, description, and symbolism to describe an important life decision as well as show the thoughts of the speaker as he makes this decision. The fork in the road is symbolic to a time in someone’s life when they are faced with making a decision that is life changing and one must stop and think about each one. The...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Introduction to counselling

Counseling Skills Day one was one of nerves mixed with anticipation. I already told myself not to have an expectation Just to turn up openly and approach the course as I progress. The Introduction was as expected, Mrs../Miss Rachel Ellis, our tutor introduces herself then explain her she will like us to get to know each other for 10 minutes then talk about the person who Just told you about them self. We were sat in a semi-circle awards the front of the class.It was a matter of Just the person next to you In an anta-clock wise manner. Sitting to my right was fellow student Citrine (CIA) happily married, two kids, employed and was on the course as a matter of exploring. As Citrine and I were the two last persons to Introduce each other, we had the opportunity to listen and establish what background the other students/landfalls and possible the â€Å"driving force† behind the course. As expected It was a diverse, In seasons and profession, and this for me was a really good thing within.Although the reasoning was diverse due to the diversity of employment, not until the end I realize the goals were common. Everyone just wanted to reach out to others in some way. This was made clear through communicating and relating to other members of the group conducting various exercises. Mainly, the points of reflection study/discussion sessions. With all this said a few of the fundamental things I were reminded of/ earn of today was the important aspects confidentiality issues, especially in the training group.In addition I'm able to recognize the importance of building a relationship with others within our group. With these two, other members will be more expressive (openness) and therefore there will be more rewarding for all concerns. Finally, I can apply the study skills to reflect on my learning.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Key Roles and Responsibilities Essay

Management: Management have a key role and a large responsibility of ensuring health and safety is followed in their pub. Managers need to ensure that all of the correct measures are in place so as to keep all legislations in order. If managers did not have any responsibility in the workplace then all employees would therefore not follow any legislations and many staff and customers could potentially be injured. Managers have to ensure that all employees regularly read SOP’s and complete all online courses regarding new legislation as well as refresher courses regarding health and safety at work. Human Resources Manager: Human resources have the main role within Wetherspoons regarding the responsibility of health and safety of the entire workplace. Without Human resources the company would not have any of the SOP’s (Safety Operating Procedures) or COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) manuals. If human resources did not do this Wetherspoons would be operating against many laws and therefore be shut down. Bar Associates: Bar associates have a minor responsibility in health and safety at work but a large role for maintaining health and safety in the workplace. If staff members did not carry out frequent bar, floor and toilet checks then both employees and customers will be at risk of a potential risk. This could be slipping on a spilt drink or the toilets being unhygienic. Staff need to constantly make the bar, floor and toilet as clean and safe as possible. This includes wiping spillages on the bar, collecting glasses and plates and sweeping and moping. Kitchen Staff: Kitchen staff have a very high responsibility and role within the company regarding health and safety, as they are handling food. Kitchen staff have to ensure that their hands are constantly being washed, the kitchen is clean and food is in date. If kitchen staff did not have a responsibility within health and safety then customers could potentially be food poisoned, as well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on All Quiet On The Western Frontier

Despite the dictates of nationalism, one's rivals are no different in nature than he himself is. As Paul spoke to the body of Gerard Duval, in All Quiet on the Western Front, these realizations were brought to is mind; just as they were in chapter eight when he saw the Russian prisoners and concluded that the war had forced men who were not enemies to fight each other. The characteristics that Paul portrayed in the novel were that of an altruistic being. Paul says "If we threw away these rifles and these uniforms, you could be my brother... . " This showed that he saw his enemies as the human beings they truly were; as people who just had a different opinion than his own. As he lied in the trench with Duval, his sympathy grew and he began to understand Duval as a brother with the same original middling life; and the artificial divisions between the two men became irrelevant. As his sympathy grew and he promised to send money and support the family of the man that he had just so carelessly killed, it became clear to the reader that the guilt of this particular soldier was just another appalling element of war. The compassion that Paul showed in the novel, is a key factor in the real world, especially in the struggle for a moment of peace. Furthermore, one of the novel's main themes is that the war makes man inhuman and inadaptable to the past. The remainder of the quote, "Take twenty years of my life, comrade, and stand up - take more, for I do not know what I can even attempt to do with it now," renders to the fact that although the soldiers may have escaped the bullets of war, they were destroyed forever by it. Although the gruesome aspects of war lead to their personal hell on Earth afterward, they dreaded the end of it almost as much as they dreaded wound and death, For, they now would have nothing to forward to but years of rage. They experienced the horrors of war but not experienced the joys of life. Remarque compa... Free Essays on All Quiet On The Western Frontier Free Essays on All Quiet On The Western Frontier Despite the dictates of nationalism, one's rivals are no different in nature than he himself is. As Paul spoke to the body of Gerard Duval, in All Quiet on the Western Front, these realizations were brought to is mind; just as they were in chapter eight when he saw the Russian prisoners and concluded that the war had forced men who were not enemies to fight each other. The characteristics that Paul portrayed in the novel were that of an altruistic being. Paul says "If we threw away these rifles and these uniforms, you could be my brother... . " This showed that he saw his enemies as the human beings they truly were; as people who just had a different opinion than his own. As he lied in the trench with Duval, his sympathy grew and he began to understand Duval as a brother with the same original middling life; and the artificial divisions between the two men became irrelevant. As his sympathy grew and he promised to send money and support the family of the man that he had just so carelessly killed, it became clear to the reader that the guilt of this particular soldier was just another appalling element of war. The compassion that Paul showed in the novel, is a key factor in the real world, especially in the struggle for a moment of peace. Furthermore, one of the novel's main themes is that the war makes man inhuman and inadaptable to the past. The remainder of the quote, "Take twenty years of my life, comrade, and stand up - take more, for I do not know what I can even attempt to do with it now," renders to the fact that although the soldiers may have escaped the bullets of war, they were destroyed forever by it. Although the gruesome aspects of war lead to their personal hell on Earth afterward, they dreaded the end of it almost as much as they dreaded wound and death, For, they now would have nothing to forward to but years of rage. They experienced the horrors of war but not experienced the joys of life. Remarque compa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Commonly Confused Words Rapped, Rapt, and Wrapped

The Commonly Confused Words Rapped, Rapt, and Wrapped The words rapped,  rapt,  and wrapped are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. Definitions Rapped is the past tense of the verb rap. Rap means to knock, hit suddenly, or criticize sharply. The verb rap also means to talk freely and openly or to perform the highly rhythmic type of popular music known as rap  (noun)  or hip hop. The adjective rapt means receiving (someones) full attention, being wholly absorbed (in something), or being carried away (with emotion). Wrapped is the past tense of the verb wrap, which means to cover, enclose, or bundle. The phrasal verb wrapped up means to be involved or obsessed with someone or something. Examples After a few shots, Muholi removed the fruit basket from her head and sat down at the kitchen table to load the images into Photoshop. She rapped her knuckles on the table while she waited, fretting out loud that the concept wouldnt work.(Jenna Wortham, Zanele Muholis Transformation. The New York Times Magazine, October 8, 2015)Drake’s ascendance happened so instantly it felt effortless, achieved without struggle, almost to the point of seeming unearned. In Thank Me Now, he rapped about how he can relate to kids going straight to the leaguea reference to high-school players so talented they skip college basketball and go straight to the NBA.(Simon Reynolds, How Drake Became the All-Pervading Master of Hyper-Reality Rap. The Guardian [UK], April 28, 2016)The miners were rescued in front of the worlds media and a billion rapt viewers.Jacqueline turned to the waiter and rattled off a sentence in German which brought to Charless eyes a look of  rapt admiration; and the waiter, ev idently understanding quite easily what she had said, turned and hurried away.(Edgar Wallace, The Mouthpiece, 1935)   There had always been a shoebox on top of the stove full of baby squirrels rescued from a fallen pine, tenderly wrapped in flannel and bottle-fed into independence.(Pam Durban, Soon. The Southern Review, 1997)She was a fanatic about cleanliness and put out her little bit of garbage wrapped very neatly in yesterdays Christian Science Monitor and tied in a bow with a fresh piece of string.(James Alan McPherson, Gold Coast. The Atlantic Monthly, 1969) Usage Notes You might have rapped Tommy on the knuckles during his maths class in order to direct his attention to quadratic equations. Clearly the word rapped is the past tense of the verb to rap. If you are rapt, you are in a state of unearthly wonderment. It is a state induced by listening to great music, having a religious revelation, or being absorbed by your charismatic lecturer discoursing on the philosophy of Plato. There are also stories of being rapt and in that state being transported from one place to another without any tangible means. Something that is wrapped is something that is securely covered and possibly tied up in a convenient shape for transport or handing over to someone else.(David Rothwell, Dictionary of Homonyms. Wordsworth, 2007) Practice (a) The students listened to the guest speaker with _____ attention.(b) The man who sat in the wagon that moved slowly up the road wore an old quilt _____ around his shoulders and a corduroy cap pulled down over his eyes.(Robert Penn Warren, Christmas Gift. The Virginia Quarterly Review, 1938)  (c) Agatha got out of her car and marched up to the Ford and _____  on the window. The sallow-faced youth opened the window and demanded, Wot?(M.C. Beaton, As the Pig Turns. Thorndike, 2011) Answers to Practice Exercises: Rapped, Rapt, and Wrapped (a) The students listened to the guest speaker with  rapt  attention.(b) The man who sat in the wagon that moved slowly up the road wore an old quilt  wrapped  around his shoulders and a corduroy cap pulled down over his eyes.(Robert Penn Warren, Christmas Gift.  The Virginia Quarterly Review, 1938)  (c) Agatha got out of her car and marched up to the Ford and  rapped  on the window.  The sallow-faced youth opened the window and demanded, Wot?(M.C. Beaton,  As the Pig Turns. Thorndike, 2011)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

American Myths and Mysteries

In the decades that existed in America, many interesting mysteries have not been solved yet, myths have been told. No one knows why these myths or reasons can not be solved, but it is a very interesting part of American history. From mysterious stories including serial killers to myths about mysterious living things, many have never heard of all sorts of unknown events except witnesses. Myth plays an important role in Native American religion. Creative Myth is one of the most famous traditions of the Native American tribe. Most of the nature is a mysterious mystery. When creating and sharing these myths, indigenous people can explain everyday natural phenomena such as weather related events and the beginnings of themselves. Each tribe seems to have its own creative myth - explain how their tribes have become the story of the world. These myths tell the importance of storytelling in the culture of Native Americans, and the tribal personality and their beliefs. These myths also show re spect for ancient wisdom, and how important and devout roles nature play. Western frontier myths and myths are one of the influential myths of American culture. Border is a concept that exists at the edge of civilization, especially during expansion. As the European Americans colonized and expanded in North America, the US border took place through the 17th and 20th centuries. This period became romantic, idealized in literature and art, formed myths. He is the most important scholar on the subject and the myth of the border defines America is an open land with infinite opportunities to make strong, ambitious and self-sustaining individuals. Be able to go to the top In the decades that existed in America, many interesting mysteries have not been solved yet, myths have been told. No one knows why these myths or reasons can not be solved, but it is a very interesting part of American history. - Queen Elizabeth and her explorer Princess Elizabeth, a slim and athletic, very intelligent young woman. As the second eldest son of Henry VIII, in the complex politics of this era, she has returned to third place in the throne, and she is also receiving a very practical education of political conspiracy

Friday, October 18, 2019

Energy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Energy - Assignment Example 1. Electrical energy: I use electrical energy originating from the state’s power house and travelling through power lines to reach my machines. The energy is renewable as the power plants are hydro-electric. In my chosen location, Sumter South Carolina, the most appropriate renewable source of energy is electrical energy. This is because the power house of South Carolina uses water to generate electricity. Water is ample here as there is good water management in this state. Rainwater also accumulates in dams which becomes a good source of electricity. Some people have also implemented solar panels but that is not a good idea as the changing season does not provide ample solar energy all the year. The two inappropriate sources of energy in this location include chemical energy and radiant energy. Chemical energy becomes inappropriate when people burn coal and other fossils for fire and other purposes. This causes pollution, thus making the environment not so green. An alternative is to use heat energy from gas heaters since South Carolina has a number of natural gas providers. Radiant energy, which originates from electromagnetic waves, is inappropriate when people use it to cook or warm food through unnatural means, such as the microwave. People are using microwaves more and more often to cook food, which makes it harmful when the radiant energy of the microwave comes into contact with the food particles over a prolonged period of time. Electrical energy is a safer alternative allowing local people to cook food on stoves. The advent of technology has greatly facilitated the implementation of renewable energy resources. Stapleton (2010, p.178) states that since there are billions of people who do not have access to clean water, sanitation, and modern services that produce affordable energy, the need for renewable energy (RE) technologies will be on its rise in the coming years to cater to the

W. L. Gore & Associates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W. L. Gore & Associates - Essay Example That is to say, their work is not under scrutiny, consistent monitoring and evaluation. Rather it is done in more of assisting than supervisory manner (Lussier & Achua, 2013). In the case, the crucial information entails the use of sponsorship programs. New associates are assigned a sponsor, who has the mandate of mentoring a new staff with an aim of ensuring they are successful in their respective roles. The same applies for employees undertaking new roles in the organization. As a result of employing this approach, many of the executives demonstrate their natural leadership skills, knowledge and attain the necessary expertise (Lussier & Achua, 2013). Consequently, there is creation and maintenance of high quality relationships at W.L. Gore & Associates. The quality of followership at W.L. Gore & Associates could be attributed to the structure and policies embraced by the company. For instance, new associates are not bombarded with outrageous expectations. Rather, they have a sponsor to help them achieve the targets they themselves set meaning they can concentrate on their tasks with minimal pressure. Secondly, the atmosphere created by the company makes the employees feel as part and parcel of the organization, hence a sense of ownership (Lussier & Achua, 2013). By relaxing the structures of chain of commands, the executives have a space of working leading to an escalation in

Employability Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employability Report - Essay Example Moreover, I have learnt to be responsible in all the activities since I am the one in charge of all the stock and ensuring that they are in good order. Second is that I am a good problem solver and decision maker. In this regard, I have been a Waitress in Harvester Restaurant regarded as one of the high-ended restaurants. Being a worker at the restaurant for at least two year has groomed me into a critical thinker and a decisional maker as I was delegated with the responsibility of taking orders and serving our guests and dealing with any problem that arose during my time on duty. This ensured that we remained competitive in all our undertakings as compared to our competitors. Third is that I have gained interpersonal relation skill. This is the skill I achieved while working as a customer service assistant at the Standard Bank. Educationally, I have attained a lot. I have gone through our educational system and am currently taking a course in financial mathematics. This has imparted a lot of knowledge by creating an urge to apply theoretical knowledge practically in my field of expertise. In addition, I have undergone computer training at the university. During this time I gained skills on Mat lab and Microsoft Office especially on Excel. I have also worked on projects on Mat lab that were quite challenging but still made it. On Excel application, am quite equipped since that is the technique we use in the assignment tackling. To create an edge and be more competent, I have attended classes on other languages such as German and therefore, can fluently converse in these foreign languages. With such achievements I believe I am now a metropolitan individual who can work in diverse cultures and understand different individuals and the best way to treat them in different circumstances. This will enable the organization have competitive advantage

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Consonants of the english language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consonants of the english language - Essay Example hangeable, more stable, the law of their mutations is more con ­stant, or at least better ascertained, and they frequently re ­main fixed in the written language, after they have been lost or changed in sound. Hence, in researches into the history of language they are of cardinal importance, and consequently have almost exclusively en ­gaged the attention of etymologists, while, on the other hand, their supposed permanence, immutability and distinctness of character have led them to be much neglected. But in fact, consonants are very far from being so well discriminated. It is true that their differences are generally more easily appreciated by the ear, though less easily imitated by the tongue, than those between vowels. The indistinct articulation of consonants in Danish, the con ­founding of the hard and soft sounds of g in some dialects of Arabic, and of I and r in the Polynesian islands, the sep ­aration in Italian and Spanish of consonants are united in English consonants. As a result the words often lose all resemblance from which they originated, and it is the suppression or change of consonants that disguises them. (Ladefoged Peter, 1988 p. 123) Chasm and other words of similar ending are popularly pronounced as dissyllables, and in blossom, be-torn, bosom, and chrisom introduced a written vowel. The consonant m does not readily unite even with a preced ­ing liquid, and hence the vulgar pronunciation ellutn, helium, for rim, helm, and the word alarum for alarm. It is perhaps in this reluctance of m to be linked with a preceding liquid, and the explanation of the suppression of the I balm, calm, and other words of similar ending are found. (Ladefoged Peter, 1988 p. 142) If we talk about the formation of consonants we should point out that sounds are made by modifying an airstream. There are many points at which that stream of air can be modified. Producing a consonant sound depends on the position of vocal folds, they are either opened or closed. If

Goldman Sachs - Management Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Goldman Sachs - Management Analysis - Assignment Example It has been noted from the annual report of the company that the main focus of the company has been at four key areas. The four key areas have been the creation of the jobs as well as the overall growth of the economy, building up of the economy as well as stabilising them, enhancing the opportunities of education and thus glorification of the services as well as expertise. The main aim of the paper has been to analyse the company’s decision making with the help of the management theories. Among the several management theories such as the Taylor’s Rational Goal Theory, Fayol's and Mintzberg's Internal Systems Theory, Mayo’s Human Relation Theory and Porter’s Strategic & Peters’ Cultural Theory; the research paper will make use of the two theories such as Mayo’s Human Relation and Fayol and Mintzberg’s theory. The rationale behind choosing Goldman Sachs for the purpose of the study is that during the period of Lloyd Blankfein, CEO and C hairman of the company, it was accused of fraud by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in the year 2010. It can thus be identified that the performance of the company during this period has been comparatively inferior. Therefore, through this report, it will be aimed at understanding the kind of decision that the management followed that led to such a huge turmoil. The report will try to comprehend the reasons of failure during the rein of Lloyd Blankfein. The analysis will be conducted using the various theories that have been identified and finally recommendations will be provided with regards to how the management can improve its managerial decision making capabilities. Managerial Decision Making At Goldman Sachs The main business of the Goldman Sachs has been to invest the money belonging to the large organisations as well as the wealthy individuals. It has further been identified that the firm tends to put its own funds as well at risk. Organisational Structure Lloyd B lankfein has been the Chairman and CEO of the company since the year 2006. Lloyd Blankfein by nature has been quite affable and smart. His five years tenure in Goldman Sachs can be classified into three different groups. He experienced unstable growth till early 2008. Furthermore, the financial crisis that took place because of the breakdown of the Lehman Brothers was also evident during his ruling period. The bank, further expected to recover in the year 2009, despite various regulations that was formed after the post-crisis and the fall in their reputations. The other person who has been working with the company under Mr. Lloyd Blankfein is David Viniar who has been the Chief Financial Officer and has served the company for more than ten years. Mr. E. Gerald Corrigan has been the Co-chair of the Risk as well as Global Compliance and Controls Committee. Mr. Henry Paulson was the Chief Executive of the Goldman Sachs prior to Lloyd Blankfein (Steinert-Threlkerd, 2009). Alan Cohen has been the Compliance Officer at Goldman Sachs, John Rogers has been the Secretary and Gary Cohn is the President as well as the COO (The Official Board, 2011). It has been evident that the company has outperformed in its operations in most of the areas. It has been positioned among the best three underwriters. It is because of the consistent and best performance along with the commitment of the top management towards the municipal business as well as the public sector. The company also has